The Greatest Panda in All of Muffin Town

The Greatest Panda in All of Muffin Town’ is the first chapter of the ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ picture book collection. In this children’s picture book, we get a glimpse into the life of our young panda, PINKY-BOO and the challenges her parents face to convince her to go to school. Will they succeed in convincing her and how?

The Most Ambitious Panda in All of Muffin Town

The Most Ambitious Panda in All of Muffin Town’ is the second chapter of the ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ picture book collection. In this book, Ms. Penn, the teacher decides to switch routines a little bit to make her class interesting and throws an interesting challenge at her students. Find out how Pinky-Boo and Gumz fare in this challenge…

A Blast from the Past

Stay tuned…coming soon!

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