PINKY-BOO AND GUMZ – A Children's story collection

With over 100 stories, this young panda and bear duo invites you to join their journey and see their world through your eyes. Visit any online bookstore to get your copy. Available in both e-book and hardcover versions.

Panda imagination


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Humorous Adventures

A new adventure with every new story that would engage the young ones and take them to a different world

Fun Facts

Despite being works of fiction, the stories hold touch of realism, scientific facts and moral merits

Activities for Toddlers

Once the reading is completed, fun activities can begin…books includes post-reading and *colouring activities. *Colouring activities only for hardcover books


Illustrations and Characters

Our team has worked hard to bring this book and its amazing characters to life. We are sure our readers will notice the beautiful illustrations.

Comic Reels

We understand that life happens, things come up and everyone’s busy…Introducing ‘COMIC REELS’ – something you can read on the go. It’s terribly tiny that it will take only minutes, if not seconds!

Comic Reels - coming soon

Picture Books

Two chapters of ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ are published so far. To know more about these picture books for kids, please visit the Picture Books section. Check out the published books on Amazon or any online stores. Available in both e-book and hardcover versions.

Chapter Story Books

The VOLUME 1: THAT’S HOW IT STARTED is a series of 6 classic children’s stories. Stay tuned as we are diligently working on bringing this book to you.

Our Picture Books

The Greatest Panda in All of Muffin Town

The Greatest Panda in All of Muffin Town’ is the first chapter of the ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ picture book collection. In this children’s picture book, we get a glimpse into the life of our young panda, PINKY-BOO and the challenges her parents face to convince her to go to school. Will they succeed in convincing her and how?

The Most Ambitious Panda in All of Muffin Town

The Most Ambitious Panda in All of Muffin Town’ is the second chapter of the ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ picture book collection. In this book, Ms. Penn, the teacher decides to switch routines a little bit to make her class interesting and throws an interesting challenge at her students. Find out how Pinky-Boo and Gumz fare in this challenge…


The Mystery of the Wiggling Thumb

A sport using thumb? What sport? 

This third children’s picture book from the ‘Pinky-Boo and Gumberstonz’ series is a quick peek into Gumz’s life, where the young bear reveals a little about his past and an interesting sport that he was good at. Interested in finding out what it is?


Meet the author

I was a great fan of cartoons and stories growing up. I wouldn’t miss an episode of Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons, Batman, and Scooby-Doo cartoon series on TV and these are just some that come to mind. Even though I’m older now (physically at least), I still remember these characters and their stories with great fondness. Pinky-Boo and Gumz is something similar, something that your child, nephew/niece, or young friend can read and grow with….

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